EMS Physio is one of the world’s largest specialised manufacturers of shortwave therapy products. The Megapulse Senior 265 offers pulsed and continuous shortwave therapy with many additional features.
- 1,000W pulsed and 400W continuous maximum power output
- Optional treatment protocols, based on clinically proven results
- Continuous and pulsed shortwave from one unit
- Back-lit display with clear operational information
- On-screen simplicity for quick set-up
- 10 programmable memory functions
- Distinctive ergonomic design with rugged, lockable castors
- Wide range of pulse widths: 20 – 400 microseconds
- Wide range of pulse frequencies: 5 – 800 pulses per second
- Up to 30 minutes treatment time
- Choice of output modes: continuous or pulsed 1 in 3, 2 in 3 and 3 in 3
- Complete with durable electrode arms and two 100mm capacitive electrodes
- Output tester also supplied
- Dimensions: 470 x 470 x 940mm
- Weight: 38kg
- Includes two electrode arms, two 100mm capacitive electrodes with cables, output tester and user manual
Shortwave Therapy
Shortwave refers to electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range 2 to 100 MHz. Shortwave therapy is the application of electromagnetic energy to the body at shortwave frequencies. At these frequencies the electromagnetic energy is converted to thermal energy by the induction of circulating currents in the tissue and dielectric absorbtion in insulating tissue.
Shortwave therapy units may produce output power levels of up to 500W providing significant heating to the area of the body being treated. For this reason the treatment is often called shortwave diathermy (through heating). To avoid equipment such as shortwave therapy units interfering with radio communications, certain frequency ranges are designated by international agreement as ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) bands.
Shortwave therapy equipment normally uses the band centred on 27.12 MHz. This corresponds to a wavelength, in a vacuum, of approximately 11 metres. Shortwave therapy is normally applied at a level which produces detectable heating and the benefits are those associated with the heating effect – encouragement of healing, pain relief, reduction of muscle spasm, increase in mobility etc.
The difference between shortwave therapy and other methods of Heating is that it provides “deep heat”. Other heating techniques such Megapulse Senior 265 as infrared therapy, hot-packs etc., provide the heat externally whereas shortwave therapy generates heat within the tissue.
As with any electrotherapy, there are several potential dangers associated with shortwave therapy. Since relatively high powers are used, there is the possibility of producing burns if the patient is unaware of the heat due to reduced thermal sensation, or if the patient does not know what to expect during treatment. Metal in treatment area will provide low impedance paths to the induced radio frequency current, producing local heating and the possibility of burning. In particular, treatment should never be given in the area of metal implants, metal jewellery, buckles etc must be removed and treatment must never be given with the patient on metal framed couches or chairs. Patients with implanted electronic devices such as cardiac pacemakers must not be treated. Other equipment, including patient connected devices, may be adversely affected when in close proximity to shortwave therapy equipment.
Pulsed Shortwave Therapy
Conventional shortwave therapy equipment described above, produces a continuous wave output at 27.12 MHz. Pulsed shortwave
therapy equipment delivers the energy in pulses or bursts of shortwave energy. The pulses are typically 20 to 400 microseconds in duration (pulse width) and are repeated with a frequency of 5 to 800 Hz (pulse frequency). As with other modalities such as ultrasound, it is found that delivering the energy in pulses is often therapeutically more beneficial that providing the same amount of energy in continuous wave form. Pulsed shortwave therapy appears to be effective for many conditions especially in the early stages of recovery.
Because the output is pulsed, the average output power levels can be very low (less than 1W) and still produce effective treatment.Megapulse Senior 265 in pulsed mode and with a Monopulse applicator provides a peak power of up to 200W and average powers from a few mW to 64W.
As the power levels are lower than with conventional shortwave therapy equipment, some of the potential dangers associated with the modality no longer apply. At average powers of less than 5 W, treatment may be given over areas containing metal implants, through wound dressings or plasters, and on couches or chairs with metal frames.
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